Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Brutally hot salsa

To those of you for whom jalapeños just aren't spicy enough, this is the salsa recipe for you!

Start with about 15 habañero peppers. Slice them in half and remove the innards and seeds. Mix a tablespoon of olive oil and a teaspoon each of garlic powder and brown sugar. Add the peppers to this glaze and mix until they are well-coated. Transfer them to appropriate bakeware, arranging them in a single layer. Roast the peppers on low heat for about an hour, until they are dried and shriveled (I set my oven to 200 degrees).

After the peppers are roasted, it's then just a matter of throwing the peppers, six Roma tomatoes (I quartered them first), and a half cup each of chopped cilantro and lime juice into a food processor. Don't over process it, though; your salsa will end up too runny. Happy sweating!

(Unfortunately, I didn't think to take a picture until we'd demolished half the bowl)

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